SableCC styles for Notepad++

Published in Software

TLDR: A Notepad++ user defined language file for SableCC grammars is now available on GitHub here.

Notepad++ is a fantastic editor thanks to its flexibility and light weight. The user defined langauge feature is particularly good for adding some basic syntax highlighting support for a given language quickly. In fact I recetly switched from using MarkdownPad 2 to Notepad++ for my markdown editing needs, using the markdown UDL that's up on Github. Since I'm doing a lot more SableCC grammar editing these days, it was handy to have same syntax highlighting to at least make comments show up clearly. So here it is - a UDL for SableCC, using the Notepad++ Black board colour scheme.

Notepad++ showing SableCC grammer wiht syntaxt highlighting enabled

To install the theme within Notepad++, go to Language > Define your langauge... and then click on Import... in the resulting diagloue to locate the UDL XML file.